Managing Student Behavior (MSB) Details
The Managing Student Behavior program teaches Educators how to define the behavior they expect, how to prepare procedures that teach and maintain those behaviors, and how to create a more productive learning environment.
Students then become self-regulated and, consequently, more productive.
The following video provides a closer look.
Educators who benefit from MSB
Teachers (all disciplines)
Classroom/lab assistants and aides
Other formal and informal school leaders
Counselors and other support staff
The MSB Program
Students learn better in a well-managed classroom where peers demonstrate:
Respect for learning
Respect for people, and
Respect for property
MSB Program Outcomes
Completion of the MSB program results in the following outcomes:
Immediate Outcomes
Educators specify school or classroom behaviors they expect.
Educators develop written Behavior Management Procedures.
Students follow Behavior Management Procedures.
Future Outcomes
Students demonstrate respect for:
Students become self-regulated
Students demonstrate the expected behavior even without the immediate supervision of the Educator
Classroom instruction time increases
How The Outcomes Are Achieved
As a result of completing the MSB program, Educators learn the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the program’s outcomes by engaging in the following four activities,
When Educators complete these activities, the Immediate and Future Outcomes will be accomplished:
Educators select their most pressing behavior improvement needs
Educators describe (in writing) the expected behaviors for the most pressing needs previously identified.
Educators complete the Metis Behavior Management Template for the expected behaviors identified previously. The Template details the following:
Title of procedure
Expected Behaviors
Teaching students what the behavior is (informing strategy)
Teaching students to do the behavior via:
Reinforcement (when students demonstrate what was expected)
Remediation (when students don’t demonstrate what was expected)
Implementation plan
Educators implement the prepared Behavior Management Procedure(s)
Procedure reviewed by a Metis or School Mentor
Feedback provided to Educator
Procedure revised by Educator, if needed
If procedure was revised, Educator re-implements it and submits publishable description of procedure(s) using a Metis Template
Structure of the Program’s Content
The MSB program is divided into four discrete Units:
Unit 1 Identify Pressing Behavior Needs
Unit 2 Specify Behavior Expectations
Unit 3 Develop Behavior Management Procedure(s)
Unit 4 Implement Behavior Management Procedure(s)